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23.08.2004 01:44:57
<HTML>On the Need for New Criteria of Diagnosis of Psychosis in the Light of Mind Invasive Technology
Journal of Psycho-Social Studies Vol 2 (2) No 3, 2003
Carole Smith

Dieser Artikel verdeutlicht und kritisiert, wie geistig gesunde Menschen, die mit High-Tech-Waffen angegriffen werden, von Psychiatern und anderen Ärzten fälschlich als psychotisch diagnostiziert werden:
"...there is even more reason for a new group of people to be outraged about how their symptoms are being diagnosed. A doubly cruel sentence is being imposed on people who are the victims of the most appalling abuse by scientific-military experiments, and a totally uncomprehending society is indifferent to their evidence. For the development of a new class of weaponry now has the capability of entering the brain and mind and body of another person by technological means."

"The only witnesses who are speaking about this terrible technology with its appalling implications for the future, are the victims themselves and those who are given the task of diagnosing mental illness are attempting to silence them by classifying their evidence and accounts as the symptoms of schizophrenia, while the dispensers of psychic mutilation and programmed pain continue with their work, aided and unopposed."

"If governments persist in concealing the extent of their weapon capability in the interests of defence, they are also leaving their citizens disempowered of the right to protest against their deployment. More alarmingly, they are leaving their citizens exposed to their deployment by ruthless organisations whose concerns are exactly the opposite of democracy and human rights."

"To ignore the evidence of victims is to deny, perhaps with catastrophic results, the only evidence which might otherwise lead the defenders of freedom to becoming alert to the development of a fearful new methods of destruction. Manipulating terrorist groups and governments alike, these sinister and covert forces may well be very thankful for the professional derision of the victims, and for public ignorance."</HTML>
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Mit HighTech Schizophrenie vortäuschen, um Menschen zu erledigen

Freiwild 5092 25.04.2004 02:41:54

Re: Mit HighTech Schizophrenie vortäuschen, um Menschen zu erledigen

Freiwild 3150 25.04.2004 10:17:04

Re: Mit HighTech Schizophrenie vortäuschen, um Menschen zu erledigen

Freiwild 3271 25.04.2004 11:16:21

Re: Mit HighTech Schizophrenie vortäuschen, um Menschen zu erledigen

Infoman 3357 25.04.2004 15:53:50

Re: Mit HighTech Schizophrenie vortäuschen, um Menschen zu erledigen

24/7 3006 10.07.2004 01:27:50

Re: Mit HighTech Schizophrenie vortäuschen, um Menschen zu erledigen

24/7 2795 13.07.2004 00:40:57

Re: Mit HighTech Schizophrenie vortäuschen, um Menschen zu erledigen

Opfer 3285 23.08.2004 01:44:57

Re: Mit HighTech Schizophrenie vortäuschen, um Menschen zu erledigen

Hennia 2856 11.07.2004 22:15:31

Re: Mit HighTech Schizophrenie vortäuschen, um Menschen zu erledigen

Neugierige 2985 22.05.2004 01:54:18

Re: Mit HighTech Schizophrenie vortäuschen, um Menschen zu erledigen

Wolfgang Bauersfeld 2921 06.06.2004 22:00:31

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