US-Experten bestätigen Gefahr durch Mikrowellen-Vorrichtungen, die Übeltätern und Terroristen bereits zur Verfügung stehen: Vor allem Anschläge gegen Computernetze und Kraftwerke: "What might a microwave pulse terror attack look like? A truck driving up next to the back of a power plant." "The technology has gained so much power that it can disable an entire computer network."
28.3.2011, []
"...there are more tools available to terrorists, extremists or just plain kooks now than in 2001. As John Geis, director of the Air Force Center for Strategy and Technology has been saying, people looking to make trouble have a least four new technologies at their disposal.“As nuclear proliferation was to the 1950s, the proliferation of lasers, microwaves and bioengineered disease is to coming decades,”
Pulse Attacks
A second advance, that of microwave pulse systems, is also a threat. A microwave pulse system induces a current into the circuitry of a microprocessor, frying the computer chip. The technology has gained so much power that it can disable an entire computer network. The hazard has increased because computers are much denser than they were even a few years ago, Geis says. Here, Moore’s Law, the rule about how rapidly computer chips grow in speed and capability, does double damage. With each doubling of transistors per chip, the weapon becomes more powerful and the target more vulnerable.
What might a microwave pulse terror attack look like? A truck driving up next to the back of a power plant.
A third vulnerability is in the area of cyberterror...."
Der zitierte Experte für Strategie und Technologie betont also: Die Verhinderung der Weiterverbreitung von Laser- und Mikrowellen-Waffen, Bekämpfung von Cyberterror (sowie künstlich erzeugter Krankheiten) sei für die kommenden Jahrzehnte genauso wichtig, wie es die Verhinderung der Weiterverbreitung von Atommaterial und Atomwaffen zur Zeit des Kalten Krieges war!
1 mal bearbeitet. Zuletzt am 03.04.2011 16:39 von Dr. Munzert.