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Song über Folter mit Directed Energy Weapons

09.04.2006 01:16:28
<HTML>Die Sängerin Kuango hat einen Song über geheime Folter von unschuldigen Bürgern geschrieben und aufgenommen:


About this song (called TI):
I was motivated to write this song because of the current torture that is happening to innocent people. This torture is done with Bio-Electro-Weapons which are part of the "Directed Energy Weapons" arsenal. It also includes "Criminal Community Based Group Stalkng and Harassment" both have spread across the country like an epidemic. It is going on and many people will not talk about it because of fear! And some cannot talk about it because they simply do not know about it or understand it. Constant exposure to non-ionizing radiation induces health problems, and causes severe injuries. Legislation is needed as well as the technology to monitor and measure the presence of these frequencies. Having such technolgy in place can eliminate the misuse and abuse of these weapons that use frequencies as bullets to injure innocent people. These weapons are often called non-lethal however these weapons are very lethal and are being misused to torture millions of people all across the USA. There are also complaints of this type of torture with these weapons in all of the NATO countries. Bio-Electro-Weapons that issue out a weaponized version of Radio Frequency Microwave non-ionizing radiation is one of the most important issues of our time because you can manipulate all biological life including human beings and manipulate the weather with them.These weapons need to be on the table of open discussion. The munition of these weapons are frequencies which makes it very easy to hide the truth from those who remain ignorant about them.

"You want us to suffer in silence and not mention it.
You want us living in fear if we speak the truth
we'll be discredited.

Oh no they don't give a damn about the tears I cry.
If they did they'd tell the truth right now and end the lie.

Put me through things highly unusual
You let me (know) what it means to be a Targeted Individual.

Unlock the full potentional
remove the electronic chains off my mind
Unlock the full potential its about time
I have
Freedom in the land of liberty
Freedom why are you so afraid to let it be
Freedom is humanity's destiny"

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Song über Folter mit Directed Energy Weapons

Robin 4635 09.04.2006 01:16:28

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