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25.07.2005 11:36:15
<HTML>Energy beam weapon may lower Iraq civilian deaths
By Steven Komarow, USA TODAY, 7/24/2005, updated 7/25/2005
WASHINGTON — Troops in Iraq will soon be shooting an experimental weapon that fires an invisible beam of energy instead of bullets to repel insurgents without killing civilians.

The beam from the "Active Denial System" penetrates the skin less than 1/64 of an inch to create a severe non-lethal burning sensation.

Radiation similar to some forms of radar fired by the Active Denial System (ADS) penetrates just below the skin's surface to cause an excruciating burning sensation until it is turned off. Extensive testing has shown no lasting damage, the military said.

The weapon will be demonstrated in public this summer and in Iraq within months. It is the first in what could become a catalog of energy beams that aim to ease one of the war's toughest problems.

Troops guarding checkpoints, bases and convoys regularly face oncoming people or vehicles of uncertain intent. Troops open fire rather than risk a bomb attack.

Iraqi Prime Minister Ibrahim al-Jaafari complained about mistaken shootings to U.S. officials, and the U.S. command in Iraq asked the Pentagon this spring to speed shipment of the non-lethal beam weapons. (Related story: Pentagon deploys non-lethal weapons)

The first prototype, developed for the Marines, sits atop a Humvee that has a hybrid gasoline-electric drive train. The propulsion batteries double as a power source for the gun, which looks like a satellite dish and is aimed with a joystick.

"It is not a silver bullet, but it will help our Marines and soldiers from having to go lethal before it's necessary," said Sue Payton, deputy undersecretary of Defense for advanced systems and concepts.

The ADS is one of several directed-energy weapons, some dating to President Reagan's space-based missile defense research program. Already being tested in the field are low-power lasers that would temporarily blind opponents. (Related story: Laser weaponry not far off)

The ADS follows more than a decade and $50 million of research into millimeter-wave radiation weapons. The Army plans a version for its Stryker vehicles, and the Air Force is developing an airborne variant.

One major concern is public acceptance of the weapon.

"We have tested this thing every way from Sunday" to make sure it's safe, Payton said, adding that she had insisted scientists fire the gun on a raw egg to make sure the 95-gigahertz beam wouldn't cook it like a microwave oven does.

"Initially, it felt like someone had opened an oven door, and you felt a rush of heat," said Rich Garcia, a spokesman for the Air Force Research Labs who was one of hundreds of test subjects. "Within milliseconds, it became intolerable."</HTML>
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Medienschlacht in den USA über Mikrowellenwaffe

Infoman 4989 25.07.2005 11:15:21

Re: Medienschlacht in den USA über Mikrowellenwaffe

Infoman 3379 26.07.2005 02:00:14

Re: Medienschlacht in den USA über Mikrowellenwaffe

Infoman 3350 25.07.2005 11:36:15

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