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12.08.2004 06:49:03
<HTML>Hier sind zentrale Stellen aus dem Artikel in Eye Spy Magazine:
"Directed energy weapons are among the latest high-tech arms of the 21st century. They hurt and kill with electromagnetic particles or waves.
Simply put, these weapons direct a beam, particles, or an electromagnetic wave or a combination of the three that has a concentrated effect on the target. The speed-of-light attack and fast destruction of targets are both unique capabilities of these new weapons. DEW systems can be made variable in strength, thus, allowing both lethal and non-lethal applications of force.
... little is known about the long term effects on humans. They have strong physical and psychological effects and can be used in military and civil applications.

Probably the most interesting characteristic of these weapons is that they can be deployed and used in such a way that almost no one would know except the victims and the weapon operators. They leave no trail or trace evidence. These weapons could be devastating in the hands of terrorists. They are in essence the perfect terrorist weapon or weapon of choice for assassination.

So What Exactly Are Directed Energy Weapons?
... It is a system that uses directed energy primarily as a means to damage or destroy enemy equipment, facilities, and personnel...

One likely use of these new weapons targets individuals... There is no trail, no forensic evidence no clue as to what has happened. It is the perfect weapon for assassinations.

If any skepticism remains about the future of DEW, it should be noted that the US Air Force's recently published New World Vistas study dedicated an entire volume to directed energy weapons. The USAF is just one organisation that has focused much of its attention on DEW technologies. They seem to be
focusing on two specific areas called HEL (high energy lasers) and HPM (high power microwaves). It has also been reported that the intelligence
community has been experimenting with the use of DEW systems for mind assault and control...
Intelligence organizations around the world are looking to uncover who is
working on this new class of weapons and at what stage of evolution they are
currently at in the development process. With reports of these weapons
already being used in criminal activity in Europe, it is essential for the
intelligence community to closely monitor the global development of DEW
capabilities and supporting technology."</HTML>
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Amerikanische Fachzeitschrift bestätigt Dr. Munzerts Aussagen

Infoman 4134 12.08.2004 02:20:30

Re: Amerikanische Fachzeitschrift bestätigt Dr. Munzerts Aussagen

Infoman 2893 12.08.2004 06:49:03

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