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Re:Offener Brief an die NATO (Englische Fassung)

28.11.2004 19:51:18
<HTML>I was looking through your site and thought I would contact you.

What I am looking for are any references to court rulings or private litigation that would have to do with the use of microwave / frequency type weapons, wither homemade or other used against a private citizen. Any that you would / could refer me to would be great.

The reason for this search is, it would seem that a neighbor has acquired some form of these weapons and are using them in the neighborhood on unsuspecting neighbors. I have not been able to ascertain from what company(s) they have purchased this equipment from at the time but we are looking to see if we can find a name matching one or more company's at present.

It has been brought to my attention that others have had the same troubles and that there might be a court or other legal document pertaining to this type of activity. If I could find such a document I feel it will me and the others involved in finding a legal solution.

Thank You
Tracy Givens
Fort Worth, Teaxs

Weird World of Group Stalking and Electronic Harassment
[www.stalkingme.zoomshare.comInfoman] schrieb:
> Eine englische Zusammenfassung oder Übersetzung für den
> Brief wäre wohl hilfreich. Something like that - first try:
> German citizens inform Nato about new possibilities of terror
> that may come from
> Germany
> We are citizens of Germany and want to inform NATO that new
> threats of terror may arise from Germany. We don't want that
> once more there could be terror in the U. S. or other countries
> coming from persons or weapons from Germany! The USA and other
> countries could be attacked by microwave weapons (directed
> energy/radio frequency weapons) that are already used by
> perpetrators in Germany.
> Microwave weapons and e-bombs are a real threat to people and
> critical infrastructures like computer networks, airports,
> power grids, military facilities, literally anything that works
> with electronics or computers.
> The German police and law enforcement doesn't do anything to
> stop the illegal
> misuse and testing of these weapons or protect their own people.
> For more information about the weapons and microwave terrorism
> please go
> to www.mikrowellenterror.de - we have American/English pages.
> Finally we ask NATO to help German people who are attacked by
> microwave terrorism.
> Verbesserungsvorschläge sind willkommen!</HTML>
Betreff Autor Angeklickt Datum/Zeit

NATO will Terror verstärkt bekämpfen - Informieren wir sie über Mikrowellenterror in Deutschland!

24/7 4705 03.04.2004 00:15:51

Re:Offener Brief an die NATO (Entwurf)

Opfer 3326 06.04.2004 19:18:17

Re:Offener Brief an die NATO (Entwurf)

Anne und Paul 3204 08.04.2004 18:02:39

Re:Offener Brief an die NATO (Entwurf)

Mikrowellenbetroffene 3264 07.04.2004 17:53:15

Re:Offener Brief an die NATO (Englische Fassung)

Infoman 3252 07.04.2004 21:06:08

Re:Offener Brief an die NATO (Englische Fassung)

Tracy Givens 2964 28.11.2004 19:51:18

Re: Adresse NATO Hauptquartier

Infoman 6562 07.04.2004 23:44:10

Re: NATO Declaration on Terrorism

Infoman 3280 07.04.2004 23:58:34

Re: Amerikanische Botschaft &amp; Konsulate in Deutschland

Infoman 3387 08.04.2004 00:12:09

Re:Offener Brief an die NATO (Entwurf)

Peter 3199 07.04.2004 11:28:38

Re:Offener Brief an die NATO (Entwurf)

Gabriele 3239 06.04.2004 23:11:41

Re: NATO will Terror verstärkt bekämpfen - Informieren wir sie über Mikrowellenterror in Deutschland!

PM 3111 04.04.2004 17:38:06

Re: NATO will Terror verstärkt bekämpfen - Informieren wir sie über Mikrowellenterror in Deutschland!

mc 3184 04.04.2004 17:31:36

Re: Tagesschau: NATO will Terror verstärkt bekämpfen - Informieren wir sie über Mikrowellenterror in Deutschland!

24/7 3243 04.04.2004 18:27:20

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