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Re: NATO Declaration on Terrorism

07.04.2004 23:58:34
<HTML>Declaration on Terrorism

Issued at the Meeting of the North Atlantic Council in Foreign Ministers Session held in Brussels on 2 April 2004

"The atrocities perpetrated in Madrid last month have once again shown the acute threat posed by terrorism to innocent people around the world... We categorically reject terrorism, whatever its motivations, forms or manifestations. We are resolved to fight together, for as long as necessary, this scourge, which challenges the values that unite us, most particularly freedom founded on the principles of democracy, individual liberty and the rule of law. The Alliance provides an essential transatlantic dimension to the response against terrorism, which requires the closest possible cooperation of North America and Europe. Our approach to terrorism, and its causes, will include the full implementation of UNSCR 1373 on the fight against terrorism and will continue to be multifaceted and comprehensive, including political, diplomatic, economic and, where necessary, military means.
Defence against terrorism may include activities by NATO’s military forces, based on decisions by the North Atlantic Council, to help deter, defend, disrupt and protect against terrorist attacks, or threat of attacks, directed from abroad, against populations, territory, infrastructure and forces of any member state, including by acting against these terrorists and those who harbour them... In the international community’s fight against terrorism, more can and should be done..."</HTML>
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NATO will Terror verstärkt bekämpfen - Informieren wir sie über Mikrowellenterror in Deutschland!

24/7 4710 03.04.2004 00:15:51

Re:Offener Brief an die NATO (Entwurf)

Opfer 3329 06.04.2004 19:18:17

Re:Offener Brief an die NATO (Entwurf)

Anne und Paul 3211 08.04.2004 18:02:39

Re:Offener Brief an die NATO (Entwurf)

Mikrowellenbetroffene 3268 07.04.2004 17:53:15

Re:Offener Brief an die NATO (Englische Fassung)

Infoman 3257 07.04.2004 21:06:08

Re:Offener Brief an die NATO (Englische Fassung)

Tracy Givens 2970 28.11.2004 19:51:18

Re: Adresse NATO Hauptquartier

Infoman 6565 07.04.2004 23:44:10

Re: NATO Declaration on Terrorism

Infoman 3283 07.04.2004 23:58:34

Re: Amerikanische Botschaft &amp; Konsulate in Deutschland

Infoman 3392 08.04.2004 00:12:09

Re:Offener Brief an die NATO (Entwurf)

Peter 3202 07.04.2004 11:28:38

Re:Offener Brief an die NATO (Entwurf)

Gabriele 3244 06.04.2004 23:11:41

Re: NATO will Terror verstärkt bekämpfen - Informieren wir sie über Mikrowellenterror in Deutschland!

PM 3116 04.04.2004 17:38:06

Re: NATO will Terror verstärkt bekämpfen - Informieren wir sie über Mikrowellenterror in Deutschland!

mc 3188 04.04.2004 17:31:36

Re: Tagesschau: NATO will Terror verstärkt bekämpfen - Informieren wir sie über Mikrowellenterror in Deutschland!

24/7 3247 04.04.2004 18:27:20

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