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Eine Wahrheitsbombe über E-Bomben und elektromagnetische Waffen

11.01.2012 21:14:29
Eine Wahrheitsbombe über E-Bomben und elektromagnetische Waffen

Erstklassiger Experte, hochrangige Quelle: "Expert Information E-Bombs: What is the Threat?" Januar 11, 2012

Eine Wahrheitsbombe über elektromagnetische Waffen und nicht-nukleare E-Bomben, ihre enormen Gefahren und Auswirkungen. Sowie die Erfahrungen von Fachleuten wie sie von Unwissenden "stubborn disbelievers", die keine Ahnung von Physik und Elektrotechnik haben, oder aus politischen Motiven wie paranoide Narren behandelt wurden/"being treated like paranoid fools".

"The most common reaction researchers encounter when discussing electromagnetic weapons, and E-Bombs in particular, is simple disbelief. The notion that devices exist which can produce mass destruction effects against the modern digital infrastructure is frequently rejected as impossible, often by people who should know better. Ask anybody in the electromagnetic weapons or hardening research communities, and you will be deluged with anecdotes about stubborn disbelievers. Alas the laws of physics care not for disbelievers - the material realities are what they are... The science underpinning non-nuclear E-bombs is very mature...
The sad reality is that electromagnetic weapons are generally not taken seriously outside of the small community of physicists and engineers who work in this area, and a handful of people in the legislatures and military strategy communities. Our community has had to endure everything from being ignored, to being treated like paranoid fools, being accused of trying to scam research or consultancy funding, or being accused of aiding and abetting terrorists by publishing in this area... Shooting the messenger may well be a gratifying pastime for folks with ideological, political or simply misguided agendas, but it does not change the basic reality that a pervasive digital infrastructure is highly vulnerable to natural or man-made high power electromagnetic effects, and that electromagnetic weapons devices to produce such effects are being developed and weaponised across a number of nations."

"How likely is a terrorist E-bomb attack? Arguably the wrong question, since terrorists use the technology they can gain access to, and as developed nations deployed weaponised E-bomb warheads built into smart bombs, guided missiles, guided large calibre artillery shells and other projectile weapons, the technology of the E-bomb will become sufficiently common that opportunities to steal off-the-shelf weapon warstocks, or design data for reverse engineering, will present themselves. So the real question should not be the "how likely is an attack" question, but rather, "how soon will terrorists gain opportunities to use E-bombs". The answer to that question could be as soon as any time this decade, if anything it is surprising that we have not seen this technology used already in an attack. The latter likely reflects the motivational imperative of wanting to kill great numbers of people in gruesome and graphic ways, rather than destroy national finance systems and infrastructure, thus crippling the victim nation's ability to wage war." "As a community we electrical and electronic engineers need to become more proactive on this matter..."

Wieder ein Schlag für das deutsche Verbrechernetzwerk und dessen Doppelstrategie Opfer und Fachleute "wie paranoide Narren zu behandeln."

1 mal bearbeitet. Zuletzt am 11.01.2012 21:17 von Dr. Munzert.
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Eine Wahrheitsbombe über E-Bomben und elektromagnetische Waffen

Dr. Munzert 5812 11.01.2012 21:14:29

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