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Professor beschreibt und erklärt Mikrowellenhören - Mikrowellenhören und bildgebende Verfahren

13.12.2011 11:17:33
Der Londoner Professor Steve Jones,beschreibt und erklärt Mikrowellenhören in Tageszeitung
Listening out for mysterious microwave messages [www.telegraph.co.uk]

"The microwaves used by phones, GPS systems, radar and other devices are vastly more diverse, can pass through a vacuum, and need detectors to sense their passage. In fact, the human head does the detecting job quite well. We have an unexpected aural talent: the ability to sense bursts of microwave energy as if they are sounds. The odd illusion was first reported during the Second World War by people working close to radar transmitters who claimed to hear mysterious noises or even messages from within their own heads. Patients inside a magnetic resonance imaging machine, with powerful and pulsing microwaves, sometimes complain of the same thing – and their own bodies, too, are acting as receivers.

The effect does not arise through the normal mechanisms of hearing. Instead, the energy of the waves heats up soft tissues in the head by a fraction of a degree. As the flesh expands and contracts with each burst of wave energy, it sends physical pulses through the bone. These travel to the inner ear, the section that transforms the vibrations of a liquid into nerve impulses. That structure is fooled by the signal and interprets it as a normal sound; a click for a single pulse, or a note or even a tune if a series arrives in rapid succession."

Im Hinblick auf kriminelle Menschenversuche zu bildgebenden Verfahren (aus dem Umfeld) bei Opfern von Mikrowellen-Verbrechen in Deutschland ist der Hinweis des Professors auf das selbe Mikrowellenhören bei Untersuchungen mit MRT (magnetic resonance imaging / Magnetresonanztomografie) hoch interessant!!

Siehe auch zum Mikrowellenhören: [www.mikrowellenterror.de]
sowie Mikrowellenhören als Waffe [www.findefux.de]

3 mal bearbeitet. Zuletzt am 07.01.2012 14:06 von Dr. Munzert.
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Professor beschreibt und erklärt Mikrowellenhören - Mikrowellenhören und bildgebende Verfahren

Dr. Munzert 6398 13.12.2011 11:17:33

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