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31.07.2008 13:42:17
In den USA wird aktuell eine Angriffsoption mit EMP/Mikrowellen-Waffen auf Iran diskutiert, ebenso ein Angriff auf die USA und Europa mit solchen Waffen und seine verheerenden Auswirkungen:
(EMP: elektromagnetischer Puls = Mikrowellenstrahlung).
Dr. Strangelove Visits Iran
The American Spectator, 7/25/2008
Auszug "Iran's nuclear facilities are particularly
vulnerable to certain exotic weapon systems.
journals, the non-nuclear electro-magnetic pulse
weapon has been under development for over
twenty-five years by the United States. An EMP
weapon has the ability to create a massive
energy surge that can disable
electrical/electronic systems in a target area.
Integrated circuits are the most vulnerable, and
they would be key to any nuclear development or
weapon system.
Some protection can be provided against EMP by
the construction of "Faraday cages" around each
separate circuit system and electrical lead,
though new military-use EMP's can circumvent
these. Combined with advanced versions of high
power microwave (HPM) devices, disabling damage
is said to be capable of being inflicted on any

Ebenso wird die Fähigkeit des Irans, Chinas und anderer analysiert, die USA / Europa mit EMP/microwave weapons anzugreifen. Sogar das renommierte und weltweit-erscheinende Wall Street Journal geht ausführlich darauf ein:
Hits and Missiles. The Wall Street Journal, July 28, 2008
"But what about this possibility of what people are saying might be
an EMP weapon, or electromagnetic pulse weapon or warhead, that could
be put on top of a missile, exploded atop an American city or on the
East Coast, and take down a lot of the American electrical energy
Bolton: Well, I think it's a very real possibility. How far along the
Iranians are, I don't think we know. But this is an answer to the
people who say, Look, you're just being overwrought about an Iranian
nuclear capability. They know they would never attack the United
States because we would destroy them in retaliation. But really ask
yourself, say under an Obama administration, what would be the
American response to the threat of or actual use of an EMP
weapon--not directly on an American city, but as you suggest to cause
disruption to our business and other communications? It puts it in a
very different light, gives the Iranians another capability.
Gigot: Well, you were in the U.S. government. Sometimes this EMP
weapon, when people talk about it, seems futuristic, but it's really
not. There have been reports that the Iranians have worked on this
Bolton: That's true, and I think it poses another threat, not just to
the United States but in Europe as well..."
Siehe auch: High Altitude Electromagnetic Pulse (HEMP) and High Power Microwave (HPM) Devices: Threat Assessments. March 26, 2008 [www.fas.org]
Anmerkung: Politischen, geheimdienst- und militärischen Kreise in den USA ist bekannt, dass Siemens (Deutschland) modernste waffentaugliche Mikrowellentechnik nach China liefert. In diesen Kreisen wird das mit grosser Besorgnis gesehen. Ein Sicherheitsexperte sagte mir dazu: "We won't get fooled again". To be fooled heisst bekantlich zum Narren gehalten / hereingelegt zu werden. Er erklärte mir, Siemens hat früher dazu beigetragen die Atomanlagen des Iran zu ermöglichen, wir haben das nicht vergessen. Und wir wissen, was Siemens für China tut (dabei lächelte er vielsagend).

3 mal bearbeitet. Zuletzt am 19.09.2008 16:49 von Dr. Munzert.
Betreff Autor Angeklickt Datum/Zeit

In USA wird Angriff mit EMP-/Mikrowellen-Waffen auf Iran/USA/Europa diskutiert

Dr. Munzert 6790 31.07.2008 13:42:17

Re: Bundeswehr testet Waffen und Geräte hinsichtlich Mikrowellen-Angriffe

Dr. Munzert 4079 12.08.2008 12:40:18

Re: Mikrowellen-Antennen/Sender-Messplatz (nahe Erlangen)

Dr. Munzert 4577 06.09.2008 12:16:07

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