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75 Millionen Dollar Projekt für Mikrowellen-Waffen

27.01.2008 01:53:54
Zwei Artikel über anti-elektronik Mikrowellen-Waffen
/elektromagnetischen Puls (EMP) und weitere 75 Millionen
Dollar, die dafür vom Pentagon ausgegeben werden.

Air Force Plots $75 Million Microwave Weapon Push
wired , January 17, 2008
The Air Force Research Lab is starting a new, long-term, $60-75
million project to develop high-powered microwave weapons, for
both "airborne and mobile ground based systems." That's on top
of a "near-term" Air Armament Command effort to use microwaves
"as a Counter Electronics payload that would not cause physical
damage to buildings or harm to humans."

For decades, militaries around the world have been playing with
microwave weapons that could fry enemy gadgetry -- from wired-up
command centers to and hand-held gizmos...
New active electronically scanned array (AESA) radars can jam
emitters or possibly cause damage to electronic components with
focused beams. The Air Force Research Lab, in its new push for
the weapons, says they could be included in "current munition
type inventories and/or specifically designed systems for HPM
[high-powered microwave] payloads...

Civilian shield during warfare
The Washington Times, January 26, 2008

...we see an emphasis on "precision" weapons and on nonlethal
Today, the Pentagon is reviving an old idea with a twist. I see
in various sources, for example Aviation Week, that the military
has awarded a contract for $75 million for the development of
tactical EMP — electromagnetic pulse — weapons. The idea is that
these would burn out an enemy"s electronics while killing no

The principle is simple enough. Background: A radio works
because the electromagnetic signal from the radio station causes
a voltage in the radio"s antenna. An EMP weapon employs what
amounts to a very brief but exceedingly powerful radio signal.
This causes an electrical surge of perhaps thousands of volts in
the wiring of electronic equipment, destroying it.
The effectiveness of such weapons was demonstrated long ago...
Instead of using a nuclear bomb to saturate a large area, it
wants aircraft to carry high-powered microwave emitters ..That
is, as a nondeath ray.

Nonlethal microwaves have other uses in a heavily urbanized
world. Raytheon in particular sells what it calls Vigilant
Eagle, a directed-microwave system designed to protect airliners
against shoulder-fired missiles...

Wiedereinmal wird die Öffentlichkeit in den USA über
Mikrowellen-Waffen informiert, während in Deutschland alles
unternommen wird, damit darüber nichts ans Licht kommt!
Ob ein Angriff mit anti-elektronik Mikrowellen-Waffen gegen
wichtige Infrastrukturen Menschen tatsächlich keinen Schaden
zufügt, ist umstritten, siehe z.B. Do Microwave Weapons Kill?
Meines wissens hat sich bisher von den Entwicklern oder
Anwendern der anti-elektronik Waffen noch niemend freiwillig zur
Verfügung gestellt, um bei einen Angriff auf Elektronik selbst
zu testen, ob Menschen dabei direkt Schaden erleiden.
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75 Millionen Dollar Projekt für Mikrowellen-Waffen

Dr. Munzert 5539 27.01.2008 01:53:54

Re: Tarnkappenflugzeuge mit Mikrowellen-Waffen

Dr. Munzert 4054 23.03.2008 12:02:31

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