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Physiker über Mikrowellen-Waffe

27.02.2007 15:41:35
Der deutsche Physiker Dr. Jürgen Altmann (Universität Dortmund) über die grosse anti-personen Mikrowellen-Waffe Active Denial System / Silent Guardian.
In: ...The Next Generation Of Nonlethal Weapons
RadioFreeEurope, January 30, 2007

... Physicist Juergen Altmann, of Germany’s Dortmund University, says the weapon works on a similar principle to microwave ovens.

"You know about microwave ovens. There, you use microwaves for heating," Altmann says. "This is a system where one uses so-called millimeter waves, where the wavelength is much shorter, so that the radiation penetrates into flesh and skin for a tenth of a millimeter -- 0.4 millimeters -- and heats only there, instead of being like a microwave oven, where [the waves] penetrate several centimeters."

The Pentagon, which demonstrated the system on journalist volunteers, says the Silent Guardian heats the flesh to 50 degrees Celsius -- just enough to cause pain, but not enough for any permanent damage.
But Altmann says that’s not entirely accurate.
"It only stays at 50 degrees Celsius if the beam is switched off at the correct time, let's say after 3.5 seconds," he says. "If you beam on for a further three or five seconds, then you get 60 and 70 and 80 degrees, and you get second- and third-degree burns on the whole part of the body that is exposed, because the beam is at least 3 meters wide, and probably a little wider. You get essentially half of the body exposed that is pointing toward the antenna. And then there is the potential for life-threatening conditions..."
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Physiker über Mikrowellen-Waffe

Dr. Munzert 5146 27.02.2007 15:41:35

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