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Silent Holocaust

23.10.2006 10:49:23
Internationale Konferenz und weltweite Aktivitäten

For Immediate Release
22 October 2006
Contacts: Deborah Dupre’, ICESH Campaign Coordinator: Tel: +61 0417 863 833 or 08 9168 6001 or Derrick Robinson, ICESH PR Coordinator: Tel: +1 513 531 8873
Email: icesh@duprevent.com or derrickcrobinson@gmail.com

More than fifty scientists, professors, engineers, former intelligence personnel, well-known published authors and “Targeted Individuals” from around the globe united yesterday to discuss the need to end “The Silent Holocaust” in which “an unknown number of individual targets are being secretly tortured to point of death or to death in their communities” according to Deborah Dupre,’ campaign coordinator and coalition founder.

Dupre’ stated that the group launched its international coalition to alert the public to extensive non-lethal electro-magnetic weapons (also known as directed energy weapon or DEW) used on selected persons globally. Victims are systematically, continuously, covertly tortured; severely injured; disabled; sometimes killed or driven to suicide. Criminals assault with these weapons from a distance so are not identified.

“The Coalition aims to obtain formal government investigations into these organized terrorist activities,” Dupre explained. “We call this ‘The Silent Holocaust’ because the technologies involved are silent and individuals are dying as a result of them and other covert human rights abuses.”

“These operations are often aimed at whistle-blowers, human rights workers and peace advocates - persons respected and protected in democracies. It appears that there is also a random selection of targets and that target numbers are increasing,” Dupre’ reported. “Selected targets are subjected to round-the-clock bullying, stalking and remote electronic torture by organized groups whose objectives are clearly lethal. Coalition members agree this is the worst crime any government has ever committed.”

“Clearly perpetrators are operating under central direction and control, acting above the law with impunity and apparent immunity. Victim’s complaints to local and federal government agencies are never investigated,” Dupre’ stated, adding that U.S. Air Force Secretary Michael Wynne publicly advocated that the government "test" these weapons OVERTLY on "unruly crowds.”

Eight different countries were represented in yesterday’s event. Conference guest speakers included Dr. Nick Begich, author of "Controlling the Human Mind: The Technologies of Political Control or Tools for Peak Performance;" author Gloria Naylor, Robert Duncan, Ph.D., a Harvard-educated scientist, and Eleanor White, retired engineer and long-term activist against covert electronic torture.

The event ended with a commemoration of the many targeted individuals that have died while struggling to survive this type of extreme violence.

The conference was sponsored by Freedom From Covert Harassment and Surveillance, www/ffchs.com, and Duprevent International, www.duprevent.com.

Media are welcome to interview targeted individuals from around the world upon request. Photo ops are available at certain locations by pre-arrangement with the campaign coordinator, Deborah Dupre’, +0417 863 833 or + 61 8 9168 6001 or Derrick Robinson +1 513 531 8873.
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Silent Holocaust

Dr. Munzert 5688 23.10.2006 10:49:23

Re: Silent Holocaust

Anonymous User 3560 24.10.2006 20:00:22

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