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15.12.2005 00:49:27
<HTML>New Scientist-online, Article Preview
Safety-testing of non-lethal weapons must be tightened
17 December 2005, Magazine issue 2530
Paul Marks
When it comes to developing non-lethal weapons, safety should be much higher on the agenda.
IT SOUNDS like the screenplay for a tawdry horror flick - corpses shot with plastic bullets, people zapped with microwave beams and others knocked out with volatile narcotic gels. But this is not Hollywood fiction. This is the reality of non-lethal weapons research.

At first glance, developing weapons that incapacitate without killing seems a worthy goal. But a worrying number of devices may not be quite as non-lethal as potential victims might hope for.

Take the Taser stun gun, which incapacitates its victims with a 50,000-volt shock and is widely used in the US. The trouble with the Taser is that even after 10 years of use in the US, there are still serious concerns about its safety...</HTML>
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Kritik an non-letalen Waffen

Infoman 5334 15.12.2005 00:49:27

Re: Hack your nervous system

24/7 3721 15.02.2006 21:24:18

Re: Technikjahr 2005: furchterregende MW-Waffe

Infoman 3552 28.12.2005 01:11:50

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