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05.10.2005 11:37:18
I am pasting here my letter to Dr. Munzert. I live in London. If you send me your contact information, we could discuss this further.
Many thanks

Dear Dr.Munzert,

I read your article on microwave weapons on-line.

which I found through Internet search.
I am interested in the subject because I suspect that these weapons (or a variation on them) have been used on me for the last year and a half.

I was employed in a consulting company in London (UK), but then I had to leave because some senior people in the company bullied me. I went to the lawyer who suggested to me to file a sexual harassment suit, however, she said that only a very small fraction of these cases is won in the court.
My employers were spying on me because they knew that I went to the lawyer and the content of the conversation. When I was leaving (July 2004), they were threatening to retaliate in the future.
Soon after leaving, strange things started happening regarding my health. I started getting very sharp ear pain - which went from September 2004 to January 2005 - which I never had before and then it stopped. I had a feeling that something was irritating nerves around the ear - pain could appear for any period of time and there were no patterns. Then in February 2005 I got terrible headaches. The sensations were different: one was as if something is pressing around my head (like the sensation of being deep under water); it was also sharp pain in some point of my head (and then of the body). Then I also had a sensation of something pressing very strongly into the side of my nose. After a week of this sensation, I saw that a capillar broke and now I have a small blood stain there.
I also had a sensation as if I was electrocuted with low voltage in different places on my body.
Then this summer for no reason small patches of my head were heated (but no serious burns) and then went back to normal.
Also, I experienced changes in the heartbeat all of a sudden -- as you are describing in your article.
In that period, I felt very weak and tired although I am trying to eat healthily and take vitamins - both from stress expecting retaliation but also - this summer I gave a blood test and discovered that I had iron deficit aneamia - a condition that I never had before (I am 30 now), in the intermediate stage.
The doctors could not tell me any comprehensive reason for developing it because I had no serious blood losses. However, later I read that one of the factors causing anemia could be being subject to a strong electro-,magnetic field.
I also have continuous effects of microwave hearing since July 2004.
I know that some people were following me and are still doing that (there are usually two people, but they change). The reason I know it is because I went numerous time abroad - to Russia and to the US - and there were people on the plane that I saw in other places when I went out of London - e.g.,in Edinburgh. They were talking about personal details consistent with my life (that I am 29, flying to US to visit my ex-boyfriend, etc.)

I told a few friends about my concerns but they just told me that I am being paranoid. But I am sure that I am being stalked and that something is being done to my health, because too many strange things happened in the last year.

When I read your article, I felt that it could possibly describe my situation. However, even if it does, I do not know what to do about it and I feel completely helpless. Because it seems that this weapon does not leave any trace (except on my health), I don't know if there is any way I could counteract this.

I would be extremely grateful if you would be so kind as to reply to my e-mail.
Even to be able to discuss the situation would already be great relief for me.
I am copying it to my boyfriend's email as well (mail@vanich.co.uk) because I am afraid that other peopel may have access to my email. Would you please reply to both our email addresses if possible.
Anatol schrieb:
> “Christians Against Mental Slavery”:
> [www.slavery.org.uk];
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Looking for victims of microwave harrassment in Britain

Croydon, Surrey in England 4729 09.06.2005 15:00:18

Re: Looking for victims of microwave harrassment in Britain

Anatol 3127 24.09.2005 15:51:56

Re: Looking for victims of microwave harrassment in Britain

Julia 3117 05.10.2005 11:37:18

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