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Tagung in London: Ein Schwerpunkt Mikrowellenwaffen

29.10.2004 14:41:40
<HTML>Directed Energy Weapons 2005
January 17 - 18, 2005, London


Ein Schwerpunkt des Programms sind Hochleistungs-Mikrowellenwaffen (HPM)
Programm Auswahl (auch Referenten und Firmen aus Deutschland)

· Examine developments in Russian and German High Power Microwave sources
· Understand the potential threat of HPM to military and civilian electronic devices

HPM Test Requirements
· Impact of HPM on surrounding infrastructure
· Outdoor HPM test facility at China Lake
· Study into optimum test facilities
· Standardisation needed to ensure safe and effective testing
Kelly McDonald Foreign Programmes Lead
Directed Energy Office, China Lake, NAVAIR US Navy

Advances In Russian Ultra Wide Band Microwave Sources
· Energy generation
· Advances in power conversion efficiencies
· Test & evaluation programmes
Dr. Vladimir I. Koshelev Head of Microwave Electronics Laboratory
Institute of High Current Electronics, Russia

FID Technology Nano- And Picosecond Pulse Generators For UWB Applications With Mega - And Gigawatt Peak Power
· Specifications of novel all-solid state switches
· Compact picosecond pulsed power modules with megawatt peak power
· Synchronization of 10-100 modules with an accuracy of 30-50 ps
· Future work
Dr. Vladimir Efanov President/CEO FID GmbH, Germany

Antennas For HPM
· Requirements for HPM antennas
· Types of antennas
· Recent developments
· System integration issues
· Discussion of applications
· Open questions / challenges
Dr. Frank Sabath Federal Armed Forces Research Institute for Protective Technologies (WIS) Germany

Future Naval Directed Energy Weapons
· Non-lethal High Power Microwave developments
· Electromagnetic launch weapon (railgun)
Captain Roger McGinnis Programme Manager, Directed Energy Weapons, NAVSEA US Navy

Methodology on HPM Threat Analysis And Protection Measures
· HPM vulnerability and classification of HPM effects
· HPM compare to nuclear EMP and lightning
· Prediction of HPM susceptibility
· Non-lethal HPM developments
· EM topology and statistical EM for HPM analysis
· Effectiveness of combinations of conventional EMC/EMI protection
Bart van Leersum HPM Programme Manager TNOFEL, Netherlands

HPM Threat To Airborne Systems
· Presentation of HPM experimental system
· HPM facilities in Europe
· Integration of airborne equipment
· HPM effects of systems
· Criticality of HPM threat to airborne systems
Dr. Markus Rothenhäusler Project Manager, HPM Research
EADS-Deutschland GmbH, Military Aircraft

Protection Technologies For Future RF-Sensor Systems
· AESA radar systems
· HPM front door effects
· Protection methods
· Future work
Niklas Billström Specialist Microwave and MMIC Technology
Antenna and Microwave Technology Department Ericsson Microwave Systems</HTML>
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Tagung in London: Ein Schwerpunkt Mikrowellenwaffen

Infoman 6035 29.10.2004 14:41:40

Re: Tagung in London: Besonders interessanter Beitrag

24/7 2996 31.10.2004 01:22:59

Re: Tagung in London: Besonders interessanter Beitrag

Infoman 3420 31.10.2004 00:50:44

Re: Tagung in London: Besonders interessanter Beitrag

FT 2908 19.11.2004 01:42:56

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