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Royal Society warnt vor Missbrauch von Wissenschaft & Medizintechnik für Directed Energy Weapons / Mikrowellenwaffen (Updates)

07.02.2012 22:01:20
Großbritanniens Akademie der Wissenschaften / Excellence in Science (= britische Royal Society) warnt vor Missbrauch von Neuroscience/Gehirnforschung , Medizintechnik/bildgebende Verfahren usw. für Directed Energy Weapons / anti-personen Mikrowellenwaffen, andere moderne Waffen und Gehirnbeeinflussung!
Die Wissenschaftler betrachten anti-personen Directed Energy Weapons als Kandidaten für verbotene Waffen!

"LONDON (Reuters) - Directed energy weapons that use wave beams to cause pain, and electrical brain stimulation that boosts a soldier's combat ability - it may sound like science fiction warfare, but experts say advances in neuroscience mean it's on the horizon. Rapid progress in the ability to map brain activity and manipulate its responses with stimulants could change the face of warfare, a panel of experts said on Tuesday... The report highlighted new so-called directed energy weapons in development, including one called an Active Denial System (ADS) which uses a millimeter wave beam to heat the skin and cause a painful burning sensation..." Neuroscience the new face of warfare: [www.reuters.com]

Medien berichten bereits weltweit darüber!
"New imaging technology will allow new targets in the brain to be identified, and while some will be vital for medicine, others might be used to incapacitate people," says Rod Flower of Queen Mary, University of London, who chairs the panel that wrote the report." NewScientist [www.newscientist.com]

Und hier der Originalbericht zum runterladen [royalsociety.org]
The Royal Society: Brain Waves
Neuroscience, conflict and security [royalsociety.org]
"This report considers some of the potential military and law enforcement applications arising from key advances in neuroscience."
Auszüge aus dem wissenschaftlichen Report zu directed energy weapons, anti-personnel weapons that utilise directed energy, microwave radiation und high-power microwave systems:
"...directed energy weapons have also
been designed to act directly on the
central or peripheral nervous system as
so-called ‘non-lethal’ weapons in both
the military and law enforcement
contexts and no treaties at present
directly regulate these developments...
Directed energy weapons that target the
central nervous system and cause
neurophysiological disorders may therefore
be candidates for specific prohibition in
this context.

Directed Energy Weapons
Research and development into directed
energy weapons has intensified in recent
years, with much research focused on
missile defence and the development of
high-power microwave systems designed
to destroy electronic equipment. However,
research has also been conducted on anti-
personnel weapons that utilise directed
energy to penetrate the surface of the skin.
Since the mid-1990s, the US Air Force and
the JNLWD, as well as several private
contractors, have been developing the
Active Denial System (ADS) which
employs a millimetre wave beam to heat
the skin and cause a painful burning
sensation. The idea is that the effect will
compel the target to rapidly withdraw from
the area.

Recently, vehicle-mounted and
miniaturised versions of ADS have been
developed for both military and law
enforcement applications. In June 2010,
a fully operational and mounted version
of ADS was deployed in Afghanistan,
although it was removed from service the
following month before operational use.
The Raytheon Company, a US defence
contractor, has also developed a smaller
version of the ADS marketed for use by
law enforcement agencies as well as the
military. It is currently in trial at a Los
Angeles prison.
Concerns have been
raised over the safety of these devices,
particularly their potential to damage the
eyes, and produce long-term undesirable
physiological effects.

Research has also been funded by the US
Department of Defense on the use of radio
frequency and microwave radiation to
disrupt physiological processes, such as
the release of neurotransmitters in the
nervous system, with a view to developing
‘non-lethal’ weapons.

Other, non chemical, approaches to
incapacitation include directed energy
weapons, devices that utilise concentrated
electromagnetic energy as a direct means
to damage enemy equipment and
personnel. While such developments do
not necessarily build on theoretical
breakthroughs in neuroscience, they are
designed to act directly on the central or
peripheral nervous system and, along with
incapacitating chemicals agents, are of
interest for their potential as so called
‘non-lethal’ weapons in both military and
law enforcement contexts."

Artikel aus Deutschland zum Royal Society Report:
Neuro-Waffen können das Gehirn schachmatt setzen [www.welt.de]
Wissenschaft - Forschung: Forscher warnen vor Manipulation durch Hirnforschung [newsticker.sueddeutsche.de]

Anmerkung: Es fällt auf, dass im Unterschied zur internationalen Nachrichtenagentur Reuters, die Directed Energy Weapons in den Mittelpunkt stellt, die deutsche Presseagentur (dpa) davon kein Wort berichtet. Ausserdem hält der Originalbericht fest, dass diese Waffen neben dem Militär auch dem Law enforcement, also Polizei und Sicherheitskräften zur Verfügung stehen könnten! Die deutsche Presse wird die Wahrheit jedoch nicht aufhalten. Englisch kann man nicht verbieten! Und dann gibts ja noch uns: Wir berichten überwiegend in deutscher Sprache und bei diesem Thema waren wir sogar schneller als die Royal Society. Wir haben schon mehrmals darüber berichtet, zuletzt: Mikrowellen-Waffen in Echtzeit kombiniert mit bildgebenden Verfahren (aus der Entfernung / nahen Umgebung / remote scanning): [www.findefux.de] , darin besonders der letzte Abschnitt.
Bereits vor nahezu 10 Jahren veröffentlichten wir: Targeting the Human with Directed Energy Weapons
[www.mikrowellenterror.de] , erstaunlich aktuell!

19 mal bearbeitet. Zuletzt am 30.04.2014 13:13 von Dr. Munzert.
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Royal Society warnt vor Missbrauch von Wissenschaft & Medizintechnik für Directed Energy Weapons / Mikrowellenwaffen (Updates)

Dr. Munzert 7807 07.02.2012 22:01:20

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