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New Yorker Polizei testet Ferndurchsuchung

20.01.2012 03:21:29
New Yorker Polizei testet Ferndurchsuchung (remote scanning) mittels (körpereigener) Terahertzstrahlung [oder. Mikrowellenstrahlung?]. Möglichkeiten und Kritik:

NYPD, Feds Testing Gun-Scanning Technology, But Civil Liberties Groups Up In Arms

Verschiedene Quellen: [www.nypost.com] [www.cato-at-liberty.org] ; [www.theverge.com]
"The New York Police Department is currently testing a new remote gun detection system that could potentially raise some concerns around both privacy and health risks. The system is based on terahertz waves, which sit between microwaves and the infrared in the electromagnetic spectrum. These waves can pass through non-conducting material, like clothing, but they would be blocked by objects like guns. The device the NYPD is testing would be able to capture terahertz waves emitted by people or objects — if a suspicious concealed object blocked the waves, police would be able to identify it as a firearm and take appropriate action. Currently, the system is only effective between three and five meters, but the NYPD is hoping to have it work at distances up to 25 meters. Terahertz waves are a natural part of the environment and aren't believed to be harmful because the radiation level is so low — but if tools like this dramatically increase the level of terahertz waves people are exposed to, further testing may be needed to ensure there aren't any ill effects.
Not surprisingly, there are also privacy concerns surrounding this technology. The New York Civil Liberties Union said that there's no information about how accurate this new technology is and that the public will need more information on it to properly judge its safety and whether it presents any dangers. There's also the concern that citizens should be able to walk the streets "free from a virtual pat-down."...

Drive-by Gun Scans Prompt Privacy Questions
Police hope terahertz-scanning devices can be more effective than patting people down, but civil rights groups are wary.

5 mal bearbeitet. Zuletzt am 25.01.2012 21:35 von Dr. Munzert.
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New Yorker Polizei testet Ferndurchsuchung

Dr. Munzert 6632 20.01.2012 03:21:29

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