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Elektromagnetische Waffen: schutzlos warum?

03.01.2012 00:47:09
Was die Bevölkerung in Sri Lanka wissen darf, aber die BürgerInnen in Deutschland nicht!
"Most of the technological information on electromagnetic weapons and counter measures are not yet revealed by the USA and Europe that are behind the development of such technology."

"Is Sri Lanka prepared?" [www.nation.lk]
Prof. Chandima Gomes Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering University, Putra Malaysia

"Have you ever made an electromagnetic weapon? To make one, what you need is simply a microwave oven. The magnetron in the oven, a simple electronic circuit and a small foldable antenna, would give the device a radiation level strong enough to up-set a number of electronic systems used in banking, security, military, medical and public service control operations...
The USA and other NATO alliances have developed much more powerful weapons that can cause mass destruction without a single ‘bang’.
There are a number of ways a terrorist may use these electromagnetic weaponry to attack military and civil targets...
Most of the technological information on electromagnetic weapons and counter measures are not yet revealed by the USA and Europe that are behind the development of such technology. Consequently, our countries are gravely exposed to the present day electromagnetic threats and the inaction in starting any research in this regard will put us at the mercy of these influential nations in the near future."

Anmerkung: Es heisst ja: Gefahr erkannt, Gefahr gebannt! Wer will also, dass man die Gefahr in Deutschland nicht kennt und die Menschen schutzlos sind?

2 mal bearbeitet. Zuletzt am 03.01.2012 01:33 von Dr. Munzert.
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Elektromagnetische Waffen: schutzlos warum?

Dr. Munzert 5978 03.01.2012 00:47:09

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