Die Occupy-Bewegung (in USA) macht auf Mikrowellen-Waffe aufmerksam, die auch gegen Occupy und andere Demonstranten eingesetzt werden könnte, aber vermutlich noch nicht wurde:
"Pepper spray, batons and microwave beams: Are these ethical to use on occupy protestors"
"Pepper spray is not the only riot prevention weaponry around. The Active Denial System is a truck mounted emitter that emits microwave particles and can be aimed at people to disperse crowds.
When the ADS is activated, the people in the cross-hairs will start burning up as if their skin is on fire. According to globalsecurity.org the ADS was in development for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan to protect from small arms fire...The question that should be on people's minds is the ADS being developed for purely military use, or is it being developed to quell American riots or maybe a protest that is protesting a bit too loudly?" [
Vgl.bereits 2004 Demonstranten in der Mikrowelle. Der Spiegel [