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06.08.2010 10:13:59
Wichtiger Artikel:
Alpha, beta, gamma: The language of brainwaves
New Scientist Titelgeschichte Magazine issue 2768, 10 July 2010.
Updated 30 July 2010 by Helen Thomson

(Gute Englisch-Kenntnisse erforderlich, Grundkenntnisse über Gehirnprozesse sind beim Verständnis hilfreich)
Einleitung : [www.newscientist.com]
" I'VE just had a brainwave. Oh, and there's another. And another! In fact, you will have had thousands of them since you started reading this sentence. These waves of electricity flow around our brains every second of the day, allowing neurons to communicate while we walk, talk, think and feel. Exactly where brainwaves are generated in the brain, and how they communicate information, is something of a mystery. As we begin to answer these questions, surprising functions of these ripples of neural activity are emerging. It turns out they underpin almost everything going on in our minds, including memory, attention and even our intelligence..."
Auszug: "At any one time, a number of brainwaves are sweeping through the brain, each oscillating at a different frequency, classified in bands called alpha, theta, beta and gamma, and each associated with a different task. This rhythmic activity turns out to be the perfect way to organise all the information hitting our senses. Every sensation we feel, from the itch of a sweater to the buzz of a cellphone, triggers a shower of neural signals. Brainwaves may provide clarity in this electrical storm by synchronising all the activity corresponding to a single stimulus - the words on this page, say - to a particular frequency, while neurons attending to another stimulus fire at a different frequency. This would allow brain cells to tune in to the frequency corresponding to their particular task while ignoring irrelevant signals, in much the same way we home in on different waves to pick up different radio stations...Perhaps the most significant function of brainwaves, however, is their role in memory... ".

Meine Anmerkung: Man kann daraus schliessen, dass starke Magnetfelder und gepulste Mikrowellenstrahlung Gehirnprozesse beeinflussen und stören können (Letzteres als nicht-thermische Effekte von Mikrowellen bzw. Wirkmechanismen)..

"These neural rhythms knit together everything you experience. But what happens when your mind goes out of sync?"
Hierzu funktionieren innere und äussere Einflüsse auf Gehirnwellen!

4 mal bearbeitet. Zuletzt am 06.08.2010 12:37 von Dr. Munzert.
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Von Gehirn- und anderen Wellen

Dr. Munzert 6023 06.08.2010 10:13:59

Re: Von Gehirn- und anderen Wellen

Lothar Stern 4856 21.09.2010 16:15:33

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